
Dear Valentine………..A Child’s Life Over a Rose……Is that Okay this Year??????

Dear Valentine, I was pondering whether to give you roses this year and all I kept thinking is; but roses die.  Sure they will look good for a little while, but roses die. Surely I could find a better way to spend some money than just giving something already cut, and already dying.  Surely we […]


A Young Man Taking on Diabetes…….Let Him Know How GREAT HE IS!!!!!!!! Diabetesdad’s Hero of the Day.

Isaiah is four years old and was diagnosed three weeks after his first birthday.  Proud mom just shared this photo showing off his new CGM which he put on willingly and ‘without tears’, I am told.  Look at the beautiful and energetic face.  This little man is ready for anything.  Diabetes will stop him from […]


“Don’t Ask THAT!!!!!!!!” Really?

While at LAX airport awaiting my flight home yesterday, a young man in his early twenties (at most) was on-line.  It was clear that one of his arms was different from the other with only three fingers on a shortened arm. A little girl of about 5 was staring at his hand.  He bent over […]


A Mom Loses Her Son on this Date…….Her Continued Work Humbles Us All.

This is something I wrote over a year ago but I bring back most of it today as a reminder…..not only of the life lost but the power of a woman who refuses to let diabetes win……ever. Michelle Page Alswager is not new to being involved, she is not new to making a difference, and she […]



 I asked a simple question which was: Do you feel you get enough support from your partner? If not, what one thing can they do to up their game? Below I have listed just some of the answers.  If you find this laying around somewhere—it may be for a reason.  Do not get angry, do not […]


Some Things Occur that are not Unique to Just our Diabetes Community…….Food for Thought.

Two events occurred within the last 24 hours that made me take notice.  Judy Martin was found dead in her home; Aaron Rodgers received an award.  Now you may think these two events have nothing to do with diabetes and on the surface they surely do not; but the aftermath very well might. Ms. Martin was […]