
“I Think You Should”………NO!!!!!!!…….YOU Should.

ComplainThere was a lively discussion recently about helping children and helping children abroad.  One person made it clear that they were more in favor of helping those who live right here in the USA than taking that help elsewhere abroad out of the United States.

“Why are we helping someone else before helping our own?…….They should……”  And it was at those two words that they lost me.

“They should….”

They should do nothing of the sort.  They are already doing what they set their goals to be and/or do.  If one does not agree, than do not support them.  But here is the thing: one can gripe and complain about how one does not agree with what a person, an organization, and/or an entity is doing, or they can forge ahead and make a difference.

Look, complaining is easy.  Pointing fingers is even easier.  But if you have a passion for something, either start to do something, or don’t; that ‘s your choice.  But to start rambling on about someone else ‘having’ to do something, that perhaps you feel differently, is about as counter productive as anything I can think of.

Too hard to do?  Depends.

Bennet Dunlap.   You may not know Bennet but you surely know his work.  Bennet is a regular d-dad.  A regular kind-of-a-guy.  A brilliant, driven, determined, regular kind-of-a-guy.  Bennet thinks that steps need/needed to be taken for better accuracy of meter strips.  He surely did his homework on all aspects of the problem, but once he realized what needed to be done, he did not pinpoint an organization and say, “Hey you should do this.” or “Why aren’t YOU doing this?”  Bennet said, “… one has this as the focus
needed to change the way things are being done….”

And he created Strip Safely.  Click this link to read about Bennet and see a video of him testifying in Washington DC.

This occurrence is not only in full-scale comments of major undertakings, it is just as annoying to hear people complain about an event.  “It was nice but they did XYZ all wrong.”


And when one asks about a committee meeting the person answers, “Oh no I was not on the committee I just attended.”


Opinions? You are surely free to have them but if you are not doing anything to help, change, or assist in making something better……..well…….uhm…….”Hush Up”, as my Aunt from the south used to say.

But this article is not merely about the incredible adventures of Bennet, or the workings of an event; this article is to say that before one thinks of what others ‘should be doing’; ask yourself “What am I DOING to help the situation.”  You may find yourself on a journey as well. But the first step is to stop telling everyone else what THEY SHOULD be doing; and start doing what you think is needed to help ‘get done’ what is important.  Of course the people who complain the most usually do only that, don’t they?

Anyone can make a lot of noise and/or commotion running around complaining, but the excitement is in the doing.  Try it.  Hey if Ebenezer Scrooge can change, anyone can.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.


2 replies on ““I Think You Should”………NO!!!!!!!…….YOU Should.”

This so true. I serve on an all volunteer committee that works all year to put on a diabetes day camp. This time of year I get a lot of “why don’t you….?” Funny, the answers are always not enough time or not enough money. I’ve learned to answer with, “would you line to volunteer to take that task on or would you lime to donate some money to make that possible?”

LOL… kind of person. I always like to take those who have the most to say and say/ask, “You have such great ideas, would you like to chair this next year?”

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