
Let us know about YOUR HERO…..and HELP Others!!!!!!

HeroesNo they do not all have capes and sometimes they are right in our own backyard.  I have seen request after request after request about parents wanting the names of celebrities who have T1 so their newly diagnosed child can be inspired.  I say—THEY CAN BE JUST as inspired by seeing kids THEIR OWN AGE doing …….well…..anything…..with diabetes.

Let’s DO SOMETHING to show them just THAT!!!!!
Kindly send me a photo of your child doing what they do best——the more action the photo shows—-even the better.  Let me know their first name only, their age, where they are from (state or province is fine) and when they were diagnosed.  I am going to create something that can show off our kids doing wonderful things with diabetes so when someone is newly diagnosed——they know they will be limited………by nothing.

Send to my email at  VERY IMPORTANT that you put ‘hero’ in the subject line of the email.  Again, REMEMBER; the more action shown in the picture the better.  Also……ANY AGE is just fine also.  Age 3 to age 80—–Sports, dance, drama, being silly, being serious, cheerleading, ANYTHING THEY/YOU DO…… good enough….just show action, action, action.

At the end of the day, the real heroes, the real inspiration……..are our own kids and people who live every day as every day should be lived.   Send today and please pass this column to anyone and anywhere you know people with T1 hang out.
As I stated, not all heroes have capes……..but many do take insulin.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

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