
Glasses in the Shower……AGAIN!!!!! Do you EVER do this?????

I am a tad angry at myself.

I am a fairly newbie at wearing glasses, more often than not.  For the millionth time I have stepped into the shower with my glasses on.  I have done it before and I decided to ask if I am the only one who does that?  Do you ever wear your glasses into the shower?

And of course I started thinking how many other things ‘get worn’ into the shower that do not belong there both diabetes related and not.  So my article for today poses a very simple question, what have you ever taken into the shower that did not belong there?  Share, we can all use the humor today.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.



4 replies on “Glasses in the Shower……AGAIN!!!!! Do you EVER do this?????”

Hi Tom,
Wish I was there!
I have gone into the shower in my pajamas more than once. I do the eyeglasses so often that I put a shelf outside the shower to put them on 🙂
Missing FFL hugs,
Rose Edward

All the time. They hang nicely on the glass shower door handle. But worse than that is forgetting them there and finished the morning routine to the point of walking out the door before you notice.

Glasses absolutely have been in the shower for sure. Sometimes an ice cold beer after cutting the grass.

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