

I do not want to play sugar_______ anything on FB, so don’t ask.
I do not want to play candy crush either, thank you.
I do not want to meet you in any fictitious games.
I don’t care who I was in 200 A.D.
I don’t care what movie I am (what up with that?).
I don’t care which Beatle I am.
I don’t care which Rolling Stone, which character from Gone with the Wind, Wizard of Oz, the Brady Bunch or The Partridge Family I am.
I know what color I am already, what number I am, what time I am, what state I am, what city I am, what backyard furniture I am, and what clothing I am too.
I know what zodiac I REALLY am as well.
I don’t care which Chakra guides me.
I don’t care which Disney villain, character, song, princess, ride, hero, mouse or duck I am.
I don’t need to know what dictionary word best describes me (seriously?).
I don’t care what Shakespeare king, villain, and/or city I am.
If you love all of these things and I don’t, that’s fine too.
I don’t think Obama was the worst President, nor Reagan, nor Clinton, nor even Bush–because to say that would mean I knew everything about all of the presidents…..I don’t!
I do not know enough to say anything about all of the world in crisis.
I don’t care what TV Detective I am.
I don’t care which female (or male) TV star I am in the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s or beyond.
I would rather stay lost at sea than be asked one more time who I am from Gilligan’s Island.
I am not interested in anything about who I was, lived with, or sinned with in the Bible.
I care about you, your family, your friends, and your kids and love everything you want to share.
I love reconnecting….has that much time really gone by???????
I love to be happy over what is happy in your life…….happy is good.
I am willing to hurt with you during whatever you go through as well.
If you choose to post your child’s picture in the hospital, that is your call, but I would rather see them doing what they love.
I cannot support every cause but truly love to see what you are up to and what causes are important to you.
I have a few myself, diabetes being at the top because I have 2 kids with type one.
I might seek advice but know that I TOO must do my homework on what I am asking.
I am a member of Facebook and I love being a part of your life…..and you do not have to hit ‘like’ after reading this, only if you want to.  🙂

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.


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