
Diabetes Platform?……..It Should not be Reserved ONLY for Miss America

I had this thought (that surprise you?).  For the last few months I have watched as Sierra Sandison, Miss Idaho, Miss America-top-online-vote-getter; as she shouted from the mountain tops about having diabetes while she competed for the Miss America crown.  Took a lot of guts to do that, didn’t it? Not easy to go out […]


Miss America Last Night——If You Think She Lost……..Better Think Again.

Ok, The Miss America Competition is over and Sierra Sandison did not win…….or did she?  I guess the first question one needs to ask is; “What is your definition of win?”  At the end of the night, did she wear the crown?  If that is your definition: no she did not win. I have a different definition […]



We are faced with many choices in this world.  We are faced with many moments in this world.  At any given moment there is a choice presented and the decision comes down to what road do we take?  What time do we give?  What is our choice to ‘just don’t do nothing”? I find it […]


The Story of the Red Bandana….One of the Most Incredible of ALL 911 Stories.

I have seen hundreds of stories of September 11th, 2001.  I was a story of that day as well.  Last night, while at Citifield to watch ‘my’ NY Mets (leave me alone I’ve heard all the comments that exist), there were ceremonies in remembrance on the anniversary of 9-1-1. A man walked to the mound to throw […]


A ‘Child’s Cry for Change’—an Update–and Stories Now Needed From You!!

It has been a whirlwind since we first discussed the “Child’s Cry for Change”.  Efforts to help educate…..well……the world on looking for the warning signs regarding diabetes; and the diagnosis therein.  The goal is for the warning signs to be seen much sooner and that no child is diagnosed with T1 at death. This is […]


Who Are We…..????

Did you ever see that commercial with the tagline, “What’s in your wallet?”  The idea is that if their credit card is in your wallet, you would be better off…..interesting concept.  I think that if you ever want to know a little about someone, look at their library, or at least at the pile of […]