
A ‘Child’s Cry for Change’—an Update–and Stories Now Needed From You!!

Childs cry for change final coverIt has been a whirlwind since we first discussed the “Child’s Cry for Change”.  Efforts to help educate…..well……the world on looking for the warning signs regarding diabetes; and the diagnosis therein.  The goal is for the warning signs to be seen much sooner and that no child is diagnosed with T1 at death.

This is unacceptable.

The first result of the program resulted in a  concentrated effort entitled “Get Diabetes Right” which is a FB page Kim May (a d-mom) and I created.  Kim’s ad agency has done a monumental job on this effort.  At the site, you can download posters or request a PDF of the files to be sent to you; which will be done free of charge, you can forward them on to Doc’s offices, school nurses, and anywhere else where people can see them.  It is our hope to soon have a webpage in addition to the FB page, and also get ‘that map’ of electronic push pins to show where the posters have been distributed…..keep your eyes open.

I have also been in discussions with certain groups to create the huge traction on this that we have sought since the beginning.  That is becoming closer to reality and, hopefully, I will be able to share more on that in the not too distant future.  One has to first make contact, continue the process, allow groups to meet with their boards, and discuss internally. This is, but, an idea and I’m deeply committed to do all we can in every once of my ‘free time’ so no child ever dies at diagnosis again.

Each group I have met with, also has their agendas and to be included with this type of initiative, takes time. I have lost count on how many calls and meetings I have had but I know the traction is gripping the road and there WILL BE some exciting news when the discussions become more concrete ‘action steps’.

Presently, here is where I could use your help.  When we started this together, I needed stories of mis-diagnosed families of T1 diabetes, even if it meant diagnosis at death.  I created a document (or a book) of almost 40 pages.  the stories were heart wrenching and to all who sent them in, I will share with you that you have impacted many in leadership positions.  Your voices are being heard.  The discussions in meetings I’ve had have resulted in reactions of genuine concern; and the willingness to consider how we can approach changing this landscape. YOU DID THAT!  I now need to prove, by your stories and voices once again, that interventions HAVE HELPED.

Any child that had flu-like symptoms and a school nurse informed you that ‘it might be diabetes’ and you should have your child checked further; and it turned out that your child indeed did have T1 diabetes and the school nurse’s hunch/assessment was correct…..I need to collect those stories.

Please share in a few paragraphs what transpired and send it to me at and in the subject line please write “School Nurse”.  I need as many of these stories as I can find; include the state (and town, city etc), grade your child was in; do not use last names or the names of the school.  For your school nurse just use their first letter of their name; “Mrs. A”, “Ms. A”, and/or “Mr. A”.  Please share this article on any site where parents of kids with T1 post.

I need these as soon as you can send them.  It is crucial to know when a diagnosis was also done correctly.  For now, I just need any school nurse stories you have.  Thank you for adding so much.  There will come a time I will share this entire journey; but the present focus remains to create an education and awareness program of large-scale distribution.  We will get there so that the Child’s Cry for Change……is heard….and heard loudly.  Send me your stories as soon as convenient.

Thank you.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

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