
You Can Avoid the DANGER Ahead…..Do Not Wait Unitil you are Drowing.

white capsSo I have been traveling this week….no surprise there…eh?  But this travel is for family business and a little fun.  As I sit down by the water I see the waves breaking a short distance from the shore.  Rougher weather than normal (no surprise there either), I notice what sea-bearing people will call ‘white-caps’ on the rough waters long before the waves reach the shore.

Trouble is definitely out there.

We all read, and have experienced, those times when we are thrown for a loop when diabetes decides to wreak havoc on your day.  It does not care what you have planned.  Of course no one knows this more than those who live with the disease, but, as parents we have our own share of these days also.

But what surprises me sometimes is reading, or hearing, about those who are dealing with problems that are…….well…..usually the ‘white-caps’ in the diabetes world.  Problems that we know will be coming but instead of recognizing the warnings an either staying away from the ‘white-caps’ or bracing ourselves to be ready; nothing is done…….and when the waters get rocky, and most assuredly will get rocky, people are surprised.

For example; if you do not have back-ups of your back-ups on your diabetes supplies—-white-caps.
If you have not practiced utilizing the glucagon in your house when they expire and your first time EVER figuring it out WHEN NEEDED—–white-caps.
If you are just assuming that everything is okay at school and have never discussed lock-downs, fire drills, or being able to communicate with a bus for the ride to and/or from school ‘just in case’—-white-caps.
If you do not write down questions for your doctor between visits and think you will just remember when you get there—–white-caps.
If you are having someone ‘watch your child’ and you think it is okay just to ‘go over diabetes instructions’ when you drop your child off and not before—–white-caps.
If you hear, or read, something and you take it as gospel without checking with numerous sources so you KNOW it is true/okay/correct—-white-caps.
If you think discussions are the finite truth on various aspects of diabetes—-white-caps.

There are many things that we can see coming and avoid, or at least, try to avoid.  What ‘white-caps’ do you know that others could gain from hearing about?  Please share the ‘white-caps’ in your life.

With so much that we cannot avoid, seeing the things that we can and doing something about it, can surely result in calmer waters.

I am a diabetes dad.

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