
First Responders……They Just May Need You to Teach Them…….But Don’t Wait!!!!!

AmbulanceIn some communities, they volunteer.  In some communities, they are a paid team.  In either case and in most cases, the fire department and ambulance service in your area are usually very well-trained to handle any emergency that comes along.

These brave souls come out in all different hours of the day and night and are known for running toward the very things that scare us and make us run away.  They are brave.  They are incredible people for doing this kind of thing.

Two of my three children were/are first responders.  I’m in awe of what they do and I have come to know and love many of their colleagues/friends-in-arms.  And what does that have to do with diabetes?

On the surface? Nothing.  But I want to suggest something to you that might take a little bit of time but be worth every second.  Each one of these departments have a Chief.  They are always looking for good and different means of training for their responders.  Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask them if you can come in with your child and give a lecture on what happens in the case dealing with diabetes.  It could be training for something they may not be so inclined to receive.

Even if dealing with a fire company, extractions out of a car may show someone wearing an insulin pump or a cgm device; anyone can learn from this, not just ambulance staff.  Offer to come in and have a quick lesson on what this ‘diabetes thing’ is all about and bring your child so they can ‘see the face of diabetes’.

We always talk about ways of educating, give this a try and let us know what happens.  First response is something that by time you need it, it’s too late to train anyone what it is about.  You might need to send a letter first to the Chief, but it’s surely worth a try.  Be warm and inviting and you can provide a valuable service not just for your child but for others in your fire/rescue district as well.

When that bell rings, first responders are in automatic mode, give them the tools of knowledge to know what to do when they come across someone with diabetes.  Oh yeah, you just might save someone’s life as well.
I am a diabetes dad.

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2 replies on “First Responders……They Just May Need You to Teach Them…….But Don’t Wait!!!!!”

Great idea, will pass on to my t1d daughter at LCSC in Lewiston ID studying nursing to use for her community outreach part of her program. Sidenote, she fell requiring EMT/ambulance service and they were right on track with this information and did everything right.

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