
When I Used To Sing To You…..A Poem the Night You Were Diagnosed.

Kaitlyn JObWhen you were born, I used to sing to you.
I picked a great song, one from Broadway of course,
It was called “Nothing’s Gonna Harm You”
I would sing it to you
When I used to sing to you.

When you were hurting, I used to sing to you.
It was from Sweeny Todd, the Broadway hit.
You liked it very much.  It soothed you.
I would sing it to you
When I used to sing to you.

When you were cranky, tired, or in pain, I used to sing to you
I’m your daddy and we do that for our little girl
My job is to protect you, and to make you smile; daddy’s job.
I would sing to you
When I used to sing to you

I loved the words, the ones I used to sing to you.
Nothing’s gonna harm you, not while I’m around.
Nothing’s gonna harm you, no baby girl, not while I’m around.
I would sing it to you
When I used to sing to you.

You remembered well when I used to sing to you.
The night you were diagnosed and in the hospital.
You looked up at me and said, Daddy sing!
I wanted to sing it to you
I truly wanted to sing to you.

I started the song and my whispers broke into tears.
I could not stop that harm from coming.
To this day people ask me why I do what I do,
I answer, it’s a promise I made to a little girl
When I no long could sing
The way I used to sing to you.

I am a DiabetesDad.

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