
NEWSBREAK: The Story of (Kisses for) Kycie; from her Mom and Dad

kycieElizabeth Stein was diagnosed with T1D at age 10.  Elizabeth did not like to dance, Elizabeth LOVED to dance.  In 2000, as a neighborhood fundraiser in her Orlando community, she created Dancing for Diabetes.  Diabetes would stop her…..from nothing.

Elizabeth holds her event every November, this year’s being number 16, to better the awareness of diabetes.  I will write about the event in an upcoming article, but something happened at the event that I would like to share with you and Elizabeth, wanted me to share it as well.

Each year, at the start of the second act, young people, all with diabetes, present a dance number especially for them, this year there were 24 kids showing diabetes as Elizabeth has, will stop them from nothing….and dance they did.

The second act always begins with a video to make her audience better aware of an aspect of diabetes. Her awareness this year was about the missed diagnosis of T1D.
She interviewed some people about this and I was fortunate to be included.  We knew what it was about, but was not told the entire story.  You see Elizabeth also flew to Utah and interviewed the parents of Kycie, who we all knew from Kisses for Kycie.

This is 16 minutes long and be aware; it’s not an easy watch.  But PLEASE know this; Kycie’s parents do not want this story to end, they want it to begin.  They want, just as Reegan’s parents want, the world to know and to be aware of diabetes.

Yes, get angry, and surely feel free to cry; but when it’s over also know that you can help accomplish what Kycie’s parents want, what Elizabeth wants, what Reegan’s family wants—-to spread the word about T1D being missed as a diagnosis.  Without anything further, I present Elizabeth Stein’s story regarding Kycie.  Click Kycie’s picture to begin the video.

I am a DiabetesDad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.



6 replies on “NEWSBREAK: The Story of (Kisses for) Kycie; from her Mom and Dad”

After a click on the picture, it took me to a YouTube link. It says that this video has been removed by the user. ????

Thanks for trying to share it though.

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