
Cyber Monday, Something for You, If Needing to Shed a Few Pounds

dietto-goIt’s Cyber-Monday.  Now I know that you can get a million sales out there but here is one sale you might want to consider…..for yourself.   To be honest, I’m not a big fan of subscription meals.  That is, you pay a price and meals come to your house that are touted as both, tasting good and also better for you.

A few months ago I was contacted by Caitlin, who is the Community Outreach Specialist for a company called Diet-to-Go.  They wanted to send me a weeks worth of food, would try it in our house, and then let people know how we feel in an article.  I made it clear that I’m not a fan of theses-type-services but Caitlin persisted and informed me that Diet-to-Go was different.

So we tried.  They sent us a week’s worth of meals.

Now I am only going to give an overview here for a whole bunch of reasons. I’m not a chef, I am not a nutritionist, and taste is a matter of choice and different in each person. But the simple truth is, overall, that the food taste good.  Don’t be thrown off by my use of the word overall.  I did not choose these foods, I was sent a wide variety of choices so when you order, you can be as specific as you like.  The usual taste-load of spicy-ness was not present, as is the case in many of these-type meals, and the portions were as filling as one would hope. Certainly better than if I prepared them myself.

I did not try this as an entire ‘diet’ plan as is needed, but did lose a little weight and I did not have it for any real length of time. The food taste good; is reasonably priced; and if you are one who battles the ‘weight thing’ all the time—this might be worth a try.  And today on Cyber Monday….they have a great sale going on.  Normally this is the type of thing one thinks of in January but the sale made it seem worth a mention today on Cyber Monday.
Try it….you shoudl like it.
I am a DiabetesDad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

Disclaimer: in return for the meals sent to me, I agreed to write an article.  Weight loss and having diabetes are two distinct different subjects.  Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease whereas the body attacks itself destroying the insulin producing beta-cells; type 2 diabetes is the amount of insulin a body produces vs. the amount of insulin a body needs–which is altered and results in the body not receiving enough insulin resulting in use of medication and/or additional insulin; in some case this may be impacted by body weight.

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