
Oh…..It’s Butterfly Kisses…..My Baby Girl is Engaged!

kaitlyn-job“I think we have been apart too long.  I really just cannot exist without her in my life.”  And in an instant, all of the concerns about,; will he take care of her diabetes, will he make sure she is okay, will he care for her, will he…..will he……willl he???????
I answered him, “You not only have our blessing, we would be honored.”

And in those few words, I felt all of the energy run out of my body, my precious little girl, my baby girl, the one who “Daddy’s-Little-Girl” describes…..was being given to another man to become one.

Just like that.  Just that quick.  After 26 years 9 months and 13 days……my daughter would leave the shadows of her mom and me and become engaged to become one in another’s life.

He’s a good man.  He’s been part of our lives for a long time.  We have watched the two of them grow……apart….and together.  She’s now a nurse, he graduates the Police Academy early next year.  They will be fine.

My little girl.

Was it not just yesterday she had to climb to get upon my knee.
Was it not just yesterday we were rushing her to the hospital and diagnosed with diabetes.
Was it not just yesterday that I wiped her tears.
Was it not just yesterday that her feet were on top of mine as we danced.
Was it nt just yesterday that we started with butterfly kisses.
Was it not just yesterday that I was superman and could do anything.
Was it not just yesterday that I tucked her in at night and sang to her.

My little girl.

No man has been luckier than I to have such blessings.  Wedding plans are looking toward early 2018.  And at that time I will walk her down the aisle, I will lift her veil, I will shake his hand and pass her hand over to his.  She will change her name on that day.
She’ll make a promise,
And I’ll give her away.
Standing in the bride room
Just staring at her,
She asked me what I’m thinking,
And I said “I’m not sure,
I just feel like I’m losing my baby girl.”
Then she leaned over and gave me

Butterfly kisses, with her mama there
Sticking little white flowers all up in her hair
“Walk me down the aisle daddy, it’s just
About time”
“Does my wedding gown look pretty Daddy?”
“Daddy don’t cry”
Oh with all that I’ve done wrong,
I must have done something right
To deserve her love every morning,
And butterfly kisses
I couldn’t ask god for more, man, this is
What love is
I know I’ve gotta let her go, but I’ll always
Every hug in the morning, and butterfly kisses

I love you my baby girl.  Congratulations on your engagement.
I am a DiabetesDad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

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