
Legislation on New Bill to Tax Air we Breathe

In a very discreet and without fanfare congressional move, both houses today passed legislation that states commencing on January 1, 2020 there will be a tax placed on each American citizen for the use of air which is part of the mainland United States.  Senator John Consigliere of Wyoming stated that the move was made to further be able to pay for the many means of purification now needed for breathable air……………….

…….okay……got your attention??????

Stupid isn’t it that something so needed would have any cost to use it?  Something we would die without.  So needed for us to live that it does not make any sense to think we would have to pay for something we have to use to stay alive.  There will be no tax, there is no such Senator from Wyoming.

BUT for goodness sake can someone, anyone, possibly explain to me that people who need insulin to live; in some cases cannot get it due to cost.  If you think about it, there are many, many medications you can take to make your life bearable and better.  Some could die, if the med was not  taken.  But every single person—–EVERY SINGLE ONE of those who live with type 1 diabetes would die if their insulin was not available.  Some sooner than others.  And here’s the story, some have died already.

One was too many–and why?
Because of GREED!!!!!!!!

What does the government need to see to step in here.  Until a solution is reached, let’s call on the government to relax any and all legislation that prevents people from using whatever means necessary to obtain affordable insulin.  If an executive action can get a wall built (well, ok, threaten to anyway)….cannot the same action open the boarders, ease the restrictions, open the floodgates to allow insulin to be purchased at an affordable price?????

Once we figure it all out, we can backtrack a little but until such time, an emergency act can save lives and surely……it will!

Send this everywhere you can.  Until such time that we have an answer, this is an emergency action, an executive action. to save lives.

This is not a favor to make life comfortable.  This is an act of government/congress/senate/executive to allow insulin to be purchased…… the end of the day, to so many, it’s as important as air.

I’m a DiabetesDad
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6 replies on “Legislation on New Bill to Tax Air we Breathe”

I think i already pay the air tax. Of course I grew up next to a steel mill that became a Superfund site. folks in my neighborhood used to say we were paying tax for cheap steel. Hey someone has to pay.

Love the article Tom. I do not think insulin should be free anymore than I think all medications should be free. But the current price is out of hand, lets hope the cost declines sooner than later.

LOL…..WOW—-talk about paying for air.
I agree—the prices are way too high….but MANY are working on changing this…..soon, we hope.
Always an honor to hear from you.

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