So as we approach our third ‘winter’ in South Carolina, I am reminded of the one thing I do not miss about living up North……..snow. I was never a fan of snow. It always looks beautiful and then the reality hits that those beautiful flakes will not remove themselves from your car and your property.
The one thing about snow that I always found fascinating was that, as the saying goes, no two are alike. Millions and millions of snowflakes and each as different as the next. This was my assessment of those with diabetes for years. I even called it the snowflake disease as how it impacts one may be completely different with someone else……and in many cases it does impact two people completely differently.
Remember that the next time you want to jump in and help someone with a diabetes inquiry. The way diabetes impacts your child could be 180 degrees different than how it impacts someone else. But withing this discussion is also a celebration of how people move beyond the limitations of this disease in their own lives. Just this week, one young man made the junior Olympic team, one starred in a football game, one danced the Nutcracker, one entered medical school, one is graduating Family Nurse Practitioner school, one went away on their first weekend without mom and dad and ALL OF THEM did it with diabetes.
So as we head into the holiday season, celebrate the uniqueness of your child. Celebrate that what they do, and remember that they do it while managing a truly tedious disease. A disease they did not ask for. A disease that was thrust upon them. Celebrate their uniqueness. And while your at it, give a pat on your own back for all you do to help them.
No two snowflakes are alike. And neither are your children. Their uniqueness is worth celebrating……in fact, it melts your heart, doesn’t it?
I am a diabetes dad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.
2 replies on “No 2 are Alike”
Hey if you want a fix, pack a go bag and I will let you know when we get a small bit in Indiana. Come up enjoy a day or two of minor snow. Listen to me bitch and Then we can get in your car and drive for to South Carolina for the duration.