The quiet was very loud in the waiting room. The employee awaited the turn to ‘face the music’. 2019 was not as nervous as when he heard the yelling when 2018 left last year, the yelling was scary as the Boss rarely yelled, but yelling occurred as 2018 was ushered out….it was left to 2019, and 2019 knew that the year was over and failure was the result.
Send in 2019, please. The intercom on the receptionist’s desk echoed.
The Boss will see you now, she ventured a partial smile. 2019 stood and walked toward the door and opened it with conviction. Hi Boss, it’s me.
C’mon in 2019, come in.
2019 took a chair and both The Boss, and 2019, sat for a few minutes without saying anything.
2019, not a good year. Really not a good year. I really want to get back to being so annoyed at you new years because no cure has yet to be found, instead I find myself just so angry at you all not getting insulin into people’s hands. Some really good local legislation and some extremely powerful hearings,,,,,,but, we have yet to move that dial.
2019 spoke up, I feel like some progress was made, especially in a divided capitol who certainly have other thingson their minds. I….
The Boss stopped 2019.
2019, I am not here to listen to your side of the story. You failed in finding a cure. You failed in resolving the insulin issue and quite frankly I’m not as angry with you as I was with 2018 for the only reason, I have become calloused to the pain you all keep coming and dishing our every year. You did not accomplish one thing you set out to do. The technology that other years touted as hugely successful, broke down as well. I was encouraged, again, by the one thing that encourages me each year that comes in my office, is ushered out, and a new one ushered in. DO you know what that is 2019?
I’m pretty sure it is those impacted by diabetes.
Exactly right 2019, it is the people impacted by this disease. The people who live with diabetes and graduate school, become professionals, do the plays in their schools, play sports, hold a job, get married, have kids, get good grades, play with friends and for all intent and purposes they live their lives to the fullest. It is the researchers who constantly look for that needle in the haystack because they believe a cure is out there and worth looking for. It is the genius minds that are not content with the status quo in management technology and continue to improve health care. It is the legislatures who continue to fight to bring the insulin costs down. It’s those who believe that diabetes will JUST NOT DUE in their lives 2019. The keep me at this job.
2019 stood up. I understand. It is my truest hope that this new decade arriving at midnight is the modern ‘roaring twenties’ in all things diabetes. Sorry I failed you boss.
And just like that 2019 left. The Boss put his hands behind his head and smiled at the ceiling; Hmmmmmmmmm Roaring Twenties in all things diabetes, I like that.
He buzzed his receptionist; Send in 2020, the modern roaring twenties in diabetes starts now.
I am a DiabetesDad.
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One reply on “Goodbye 2019—-Hello Modern Roaring Twenties”
I am not at all disappointed. Was Cesar disappointing that the Coliseum too to long? Or was he thrilled when it was completed? When the cathedral of Notre Dame burned, were the French sad because it was not completed for 200 years or where they sad to see it go?
We can be sad that something is not done, but we have to be thrilled with what we have accomplished so far. I will always take the glass half full.
Even if half full is less than what we need. We must remember it is more than what we had.