
Different Races, All Trying to Help

A few people I know attempted to do something this weekend that, I guess, one could say that they had no business to attempt.  Both had to do with feats of running.  Both have ailments or other reasons why their bodies are not meant to run.  I have no idea how long, or even if, they trained for these runs.

My cousin trained for months to run in the NY Marathon last November in New York City.  My cousin’s training was being done at age 77.  He did it all under medical supervision and he ‘did it right’ from all intent and purposes one undertakes these endeavors.  Just prior to the race, while training, he collapsed in the street and a passerby performed CPR, it saved his life.  It’s been a haul but my cousin is a fighter and the closeness he has to his own family, well that makes the fighting worth it.

He was running to bring attention, education, and a few bucks to Autism which has hit out family, and hit it pretty hard.  The other two I referenced at the onset were doing it for diabetes awareness, education, and a few bucks to a foundation in which they believe in for diabetes, our family knows about that as well..


They chose to live by the phrase, Just Don’t Do Nothing.  Make no mistake about it, just because they may not have made it to break the ribbon at the end, they accomplished their goals.  In fact, in one case, her story was so moving I donated to her cause.  Had she not been challenged beyond physical  endurance; I never would have known her story.  Her story pulled at my heart. Her apologetic tone of being unable to make it to the finish line captivated my attention.  As I read her story my mind was continually filled with one of the greatest lines ever uttered in movie cinema history from Lord of the Rings, “…….my friends, you bow to no one!”

Anyone who decides in their head, I will attempt this, crazy as it sounds, they get my attention and they should get your attention as well.  Someone else has REALLY peaked my attention recently because she is attempting to do something almost as impossible as well.  She is running a different kind of race and in my humble opinion, we probably should pay attention.

Quinn Nystrom is running for Congress in Minnesota.  She is an author (If I Kiss you, will I Get Diabetes), a tireless advocate for diabetes, and a person who has lived with the disease.  Quinn has held elected office as the youngest person ever elected to the Baxter City Council.  One of the reasons she is running for Congress is because of unaffordable health care, she knows firsthand about the cost of insulin.  So many times we tout and shout, “If only we had an inside to Washington.”  Well now is your chance.  I’m doing what I can to help Quinn get elected, because I cannot vote for her.  But I also KNOW WE NEED A VOICE in Washington DC; Quinn’s voice.  Go to and figure a way you can help also.

All of these individuals, although running in completely different races, are running because they cared enough not to sit on the sidelines.  I’m in awe of their efforts and I know there are so many more trying to make a difference.  But the only way to get in the race, is to start running.  What will you do this year?
I am a diabetes dad.
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