I can guess there are many theories on what we can run out of when there is a worldwide emergency. If you asked the general public this question 4 weeks ago I am sure you would have received answers like; water, meat, eggs, milk, dairy and more. I am also pretty sure that the one answer you would not have received was, ‘toilet paper’. I, like so many others have gone to the stores in search of the evasiveness of something so common as toilet paper.
I know the stock boy at my local Piggly Wiggly Supermarket because every morning at the start of the day, I am at the door, as probably many others are as well, waiting for our answer. The door is unlocked and he comes out, “Sorry folks, no toilet paper today.” The shelves are still empty.
Really? Toilet paper?
March 28th was my wife’s birthday. The long planned party and the kids flying in for the day had long been cancelled. My job was to try and salvage the day with people living close by (relax, it was only 4 people, I follow the rules). I got to the supermarket as soon as the doors opened. I did not want to be there with a store full of people. I headed past the paper aisle and glanced down knowing the shelves would be empty. I peered down the aisle as I made my way to the frozen foods, and BAM; there they were. Two packages of 12 rolls, the maximum limit was waiting on the shelf. The last two packages.
I turned my cart so quickly that I knocked the display of graham crackers completely over and I ran down the aisle. I grabbed the two prized packages and held them high in the air; “AHHHHH HAAAAA; Success!”
I quickly realized that someone may be watching and as I looked both ways, I bought the treasure close to my chest, and placed them in my cart, covering them with dairy products so no one would see them. I had more to buy, but I was nervous. So I quickly looked all around as I made my way to the check-out. I laid everything down, paid for it, and ran to my car. I dumped everything into the back, covered it with a blanket, and made my way back to the supermarket to finish my shopping.
As I walked back into the supermarket with my smile of success, I could not help but think……..but why toilet paper?
I am a diabetes dad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.
3 replies on “Why Toilet Paper?”
Hi Tom, I gave up getting toilet paper in my local stores in Kingston, NY. I ordered 12 rolls from Amazon. That was a mistake! The shipment from Star999 in the Virgin Islands, is due to arrive April 29-May 20. That is a 33-56 day wait from the day I placed the order!! Here is some info from the Amazon page:
Arriving April 29 – May 20
12 PC Toilet Paper – Paper Towels Bulk, Hollow Replacement Roll Paper,1 Roll Paper Towels has about 170 Leaves,3 Layers – Paper Towels Select a Size 3.94”X3.94” (12PC)
Sold by: Star999
Condition: New
I am so glad the merchandise is NEW. I do not want any USED toilet paper!!
You are too funny—–thanks for writing and hope you are doing well.
Diarrhea is a not a symptom of coronavirus. But still, it is still best to have some for the stores are closed. Well, in my case, I have Type 2 Diabetes and I am really scared about this pandemic. I bought food and medicines of course. I got some toilet paper too but only 2 rolls. I don’t want to fight for papers in the market. But I am hopeful that it will be over soon and I try this https://www.clkmg.com/iqun/KILL and now I am feeling better than ever. I hope we can all survive this coronavirus. God bless you and take care!