
From “A” DiabetesDad

As you read in the title, I am a DiabetesDad.  Never said I was ‘the’ diabetesdad, we are many.  Today is Father’s Day.  Happy Father’s Day to all of you who are fortunate enough to have someone in your life who calls you dad.  In our children’s lives, we are ‘the’ dad.  Unless you are in the small number of families with two dads, being a dad is a unique and definitive.  You, are dad.

There is a world around us, some say crumbling around us, some say challenging around us, some just say there is a world around us.  In any given time in our history people have declared that this moment in time is like none other before.  Good, bad, different put aside, this moment in time is today.  What will you do with it?

I have three incredible kids.  I have a son-in-law and a daughter-in-law (to be) who I consider child #4 and child #5, they are THAT special to me and I count myself “that lucky”.  We are not a perfect family and if you asked any of us, we would laugh at that notion.  What we are, is, together.  We can call each other when we need to talk.  We can call each other for the good, the bad, when fearful, and sometimes for no reason at all.

When the cell phone says a name of one of my kids as it begins to ‘buzz’, I undoubtedly will smile.  Thinking of them makes me smile.  My oldest is active in his community.  He has put his life on the line more times than I can count.  Proud is the word that comes to mind.  My second child is the type that is sincerely giddy at opening stocking stuffers and she is wicked -smart.  It’s fun to see her enjoying the moment.  My youngest is both the business guy and computer geek.  His knowledge is incredible and his insight uncanny. I envy his knowledge.

We are all fairly opinionated.  We make each other laugh.  We make each other think.  Probably no one can get under our skin as well and we can rarely feel as safe as when one of them has our backs.  We are, family.  I’m not sure how other families work but mine are truly the air my lungs need to breath.  Perfect is about as far as can be from who we are but we are… 

Each day I begin with the thought of each of them.  I love them to bits.  It’s my hope they continue to grow and thrive.  To help those less fortunate, be accepting of people who differ from them in their thoughts, actions, appearances and beliefs.  To not think they are better or worse than the next one.  To give a hand when needed and touch a hand when helping others.  To learn, listen, and above all laugh.  To not take themselves so seriously.

This is my family and these kids make me a father.  It is my sincerest hope that all of you are surrounded by family because at the end of the day, family is what it’s all about.  Happy father’s day to all of you.
I am a diabetes dad.
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