We read all the time about these incredible rides. If you are anywhere in the tri-state area this weekend…..enjoy one of the most beautiful rides around….through the incredible east end of Long Island. And there is a distance for everyone. The Tour begins in Southampton and travels through mostly flat terrain and rolling hills on […]
Category: Uncategorized
Below is a message I just received from Carol Atkinson of Insulin for Life-USA. Please share it with people you know in Florida and pay close attention to help happening for those in the Fort Meyers area this weekend. So if you have supplies, hear of someone in need, and/or have few bucks to share, […]
Why Go It Alone……Ask!
In addition to asking for help on social media when you come across a ‘hiccup’ in your diabetes journey, make sure you also ask for good and reputable websites to help you address a problem, or for that matter; any problem. Little, if anything, has yet to be seen in this crazy world of diabetes […]
Where Did Everyone Go?
I still have a hard time understanding where people go after being active in diabetes causes for so long….one day…….poof, done. “I am tired.” “I cannot ask my friends for money anymore.” “My kids are older now, let younger people take over.” “I got so tired from broken promises…..it is all just a waste of […]
Today, I saw the date in the lower corner of my computer. August 22, 2017. I started to reach for the phone because I knew, inherently, that the date was significant. I reacted because I had not yet called my dad to wish him a happy birthday. “Oh, I gotta call……..” But you see, I […]
This is the question I asked myself as I looked at the many attendees at the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) Annual Meeting who stopped in to the presentation of the incredibly knowledgeable Susan Weiner and myself at our missed diagnosis of T1D. People believe that speaking in front of a large crowd is […]