Dad, I’m peeing a lot. Thus started a series of events that would end up with my youngest of three becoming our second child diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D). You can find many statistics about having two kids with T1D and if you get more than 3 sources that agree on a particular stat, […]
Category: Uncategorized
As is well-known, my last life was all about the theatre, television, and acting. There’s a saying in the theatre world that goes like this; there is no such thing as small parts…..just small actors.” I once directed a group of incredibly talented actresses in a production of Twelve Angry Women (which is the female version of the […]
A two-year-old little boy was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes recently. I don’t have permission to share their family’s story, so let’s call him L, and say he was from Minnesota for the purpose of this story. Through a lifetime of twists and turns and people in far away places, L’s dad and another man met […]
Everything is Not Always as Appears
As many people know, I spend a good deal of time up in the air. Traveling is a part of my job and as I travel to so many places, I share that “I have to do what I do….I am driven.” For my two kids with type 1 diabetes (T1D), I will travel anywhere I can […]
The Juice Box on the Nightstand
Oh yeah……diabetes……that?……yeah; no—-it does not go away. Kaitlyn came to visit with us last weekend. If you don’t know my daughter I will let you in on the fact that I have stated a million times; that she is the type of person who honestly becomes excited when opening stocking stuffer gifts at Christmas time. She […]
I was in lower Manhattan this week for a DRI Event (which was wonderful) and across from the front entrance were two famous artworks that have become the fodder for many who like to create, said, fodder. “Charging Bull” has enjoyed the spot for some time since 1987 when Arthur DiModica dropped (literally) it off in […]