
Change-it-up-Monday…..What are YOU Gonna Do?????

It’s Monday…..what are you doing today? I know that Monday is everyone’s favorite day of the week but it IS the beginning of a new week to make something happen.  Or are you thinking, “here we go again’ with the same ol’ week doing the same ol’ thing? We cannot change what we are given, but […]


Why Won’t Our Parents be Involved with Our Child’s Diabetes?????

I want to be 100% clear that I’m not judging one way or the other with today’s article.  My answer and what others say; is not your answer, nor should it be.  This is one of the toughest articles I have written but I just felt it needs to be addressed.  Perhaps it might open a discussion […]


A FREE (I said FREE) Family Getaway Weekend for 15 Families with Diabetes

Something for free?????  There is a catch, right?  Nothing is for free.  Why would someone give a weekend away completely for free?  Can’t be true, can it? Well here is the world’s best kept secret and you have a shot to take part.   Pump Wear is a company that has been around for a while and […]


PART II—PLEASE READ AND SHARE: Child Diagnosed at Death…..Need Your Help……Even if YOUR CHILD was Close.

I wrote earlier today about having a good lead to help educate Family Physicians on looking more closely for diagnosis of diabetes before allowing misdiagnosis. Someone stated that I should not just include Diagnosis at Death….and I fully agree. If your doctor (no names please) missed the diagnosis of your child’s T1 diabetes when they showed symptoms of […]


Child Diagnosed at Death; Thought it was the Flu….Now Let’s do Something about it….Need YOUR Help!!!!

I need your help. I am in discussions with someone who might help educate Family Physicians (Pediatricians would be next) on a fairly large-scale to administer a protocol for (at least) a urine sample when symptoms in any shape or form resemble a possible T1 diabetes diagnosis (whether it be flu, sever back aches etc etc).  At the […]


It May Not Seem So, But it was a BIG DEAL.

There are moments. Moments that will leave a mark on your brain, your heart, and your soul.  Usually it is a major occurrence but I have also always been a master at remembering the little things that have happened in my life, but little compared to the world’s standards, not mine; but they hugely impacted my […]