I had the opportunity, recently, to be in Washington DC. I love Washington DC and it is one of the most exciting places on earth. So much happens there and whether you love or hate whoever is in office does not change the fact how much occurs on any given day. While I was there […]
Dear Parent, My name is diabetes and you may have just met me or you may have known me for years. I am not welcome and I know that I’m not. The young lady in the picture met me when she was two. On this day, April 5th, she turns 27, old enough to know things […]
If your child played or is playing competitive football; high school or college level successfully, and is wearing (wore) an Omnipod—-kindly email me at tkarlya@drif.org. I would like to speak with you as I am looking for advice how to play while wearing the device. In the subject line please write ‘football’. Thank you, I am a […]
Have you had enough? Are you sick and tired of just……well….everything politics these days? And I mean on all sides of the aisle. It’s just too much, isn’t it? I have an idea. You see, I’m under the belief that if any suggested legislation is ‘nay’ all one party and ‘yay’ all another party—-they have […]
If you have diabetes—type 1 or type 2 and are willing to share your story on why and how you lead a positive life….click the link below for more information and you may be chosen for the world to hear your story. There is some pay involved as well….click the link below for more information […]
Someday it will dawn on people, and I’m not sure when or how, that the blood glucose numbers one deals with are not numbers of judgment and if you allow them to be….well then you will have to deal with them. “OMG….what a horrible number.” “How did I let that A1C get so high…what kind […]