
Stay Positive……Yeah, Yeah, Yada,Yada……..But for Whom?

Staying positive in the world of diabetes is not an easy task.  I remember when Kaitlyn was first diagnosed and I saw so many parents who really, really, tried to live life in such a positive manner.  I looked around at my life.  We were down to one income, staying up the entire night, realizing the […]


In Today’s World……..You Should NEVER Feel Totally Alone…….EVER!!!!!

There was not always an ‘online community’.  There was a time when after diabetes became the new norm, it was only you.  There was no instant access to……well…..anything.   Those of us who went through all of this during that time, I believe, have an advantage.  When you have no one else to depend on; you […]


A TV Show About YOUR Family……..What Would It Be??

Okay; congratulations on your new job.  You have been promoted to the role of Executive In-charge of Programming for a major network television and your first job is to pick up the option on your new show. Double congratulations; the newest show is about your family.  You have offered your family millions of dollars and negotiated […]


I Have Diabetes, Diabetes Is Not Who I Am……..AMEN!!!!!!

The title of today’s article was something my daughter said years ago in an interview.  The reporter asked how it felt to have diabetes and without so much as a thought, Kaitlyn responded, “I have diabetes, diabetes is not who I am.” It was a phrase that has resonated with me any time I feel […]


Where Do You Have “Back-ups” to Your “Back-ups'” Back-up”?

I am not a firm believer in over-kill.  Not just in diabetes, but in anything.  That said, I am a firm believer in ‘back-up’.  It’s well- known that you need to have back-up diabetes supply in your car.  But does your spouse have a back-up supply and if your child is dating, does their boy/girl […]


Of Course You’re the Reason Your Child has Diabetes………So What??????

How many times have you asked yourself if you are the reason your child has diabetes?  I’m here today to tell you two things, one: you are the reason; two; there is nothing anyone could have done anything about stopping it. Now that I have sent you into a tail-spin of panic and utter guilt; […]