
A Generous Stranger, A Group of Cats, and a Question……What are You Doing?

Ever wonder how you can do something REALLY REALLY big in our diabetes world??????   I can share with you that it really never starts out being something BIG; it has always been about starting something you believe in.  Whether it grows or not does not matter—-it only matters that it be impactful… even an audience […]


November is Blue…….YAY!!!!!……Wait…….Why; Tell Me Again?

Welcome to November.  If you have diabetes in your household, you should be fairly versed on what this month means.  In particular, November 14, as the birthday of Dr. Banting  (of famed, Banting and Best) who discovered insulin; has also become THE Diabetes Day of Awareness. I have no problem with the concept of a month […]


NEWSBREAK: Rep. Graham Presents Copy of New Law to Little Reegan’s Family.

  Representative Charles Graham visits with Little Reegan’s Family and presents them with a copy of the law that very well may change the face of the missed diagnosis of diabetes in this country.  It was signed into law on October 20th by the Governor of North Carolina. In that binder is a copy of the […]


The Clocks Being Turned Back IS NOT YOUR ONLY Job this Weekend.

Well first of all……Happpppppy Halllloweeeen.  🙂  What a fun day, and when it’s on a weekend, perfection.  Enjoy. You will go to bed tonight and you will turn your clocks back one hour; Fall…..behind;  Spring…..forward.  The fire department has utilized this occurrence twice a year to remind folks to change your batteries in all of […]


A Dog, A Caring Heart……and a Lesson for All of Us!!!!!

It’s just a cute black dog.  But what happened with this black dog is a very important lesson for all of us to learn.  My son was home when our dogs starting barking like crazy.  When they did not stop shortly after they started, Rob went to investigate what was causing the commotion. A  black […]


You Can’t Take it With You…….So Don’t!!!!! You May Kill Someone Otherwise.

I had the pleasure to hear Dr. Jay Skyler tonight.  Dr. Skyler is not just a superstar in the diabetes world, he is a superstar of superstars.  He is a Professor of Medicine, Pediatrics and Psychology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and Deputy Director for Clinical Research and Academic Programs at the […]