So here is something you can share with those people who do not have diabetes. A simple cup…….with a message. It just seemed to me that instead of it being a controversy, it could be used for a simple message…..a message that could save the life of someone you know and love. It’s ‘interesting enough’ that local […]
Tag: #DA
I’m all in favor of everything that will happen tomorrow, and for that matter, all this month regarding diabetes. Happy Birthday tomorrow, Dr. Banting and thank you for creating insulin; it–more than anything else ever discovered, created, invented, researched, and/or implemented is still the single-best finding EVER in the world of diabetes…..and everything else pales […]
I have always found it fascinating how Realty Show Stars and other celebrities capture the headlines. You know that at least three names jumped into your head as soon as you read the first line of today’s article. Interesting isn’t it? There’s always so much discussion how little people know about diabetes. How much more diabetes […]
Here is a fun take/tale on the meeting between ‘bosses’. Enjoy for Diabetes Awareness Month. This is my guest blog for Diabetic Lifestyle. I am a diabetes dad. Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.
After Pennsylvania became the second state in the Union yesterday to have some sort of Legislation or Resolution passed regarding education of DKA and the missed diagnosis of T1D, many people wanted to know “How do I do this in my State?” There is no ‘one way’ but I put together a little bit on what we […]
When Debbie Healy’s son had a blood sugar of 1400 and his diagnosis of T1D was missed, she realized later on in life just how lucky her family was. She also grew to know others who were not so lucky. Not taking ‘no’ for an answer she led the way for PA House Resolution 569 […]