
Because “My Doctor Said It”…….Fact?……Not Always.

We challenge our colleagues, our partners, our kids and even the mechanic that works on our car.  We challenge them at what they know, and what we want them to know, and yet, I’ll ask a mom in mere conversation why she uses a certain glucometer and she will answer because our doctor said we […]


A Diabetes Emergency is Not the Time to Teach Your Child.

There are a few things that you probably should look into if you have a child with diabetes.  The first is if you have just one glucometer in the house, you should look to get one, or even a few more.  If you look around, it probably is not too hard to get one for […]


The iPhone……”I’ Indeed……We are Losing the Concept of ‘WE’….and Quickly!

I was out this week and I saw a young couple at a table in a restaurant.  They were both speaking to each other but more than “half-an-eye” was on the hand-held phone device as they ‘spoke’ to each other. Do you have that visual in your head? Now ask yourself where are you on […]


Do You Have a DiabeTattoo??..Be Part of the DiabeTattoo Museum at Healthline.

DiabeTattoos are showing up everywhere.  Body art, as popular as it has become, has feverishly infiltrated the world of diabetes.  Our friends over at are creating a place for DiabeTattoos to be seen collectively, A DiabeTattoo Museum as it were.  Take a look at their slide show at: . But wait…..they are nowhere near done […]


A Horrifying World We Now Live??……..Or……An Opportunity…….Your Call!!!!!

I saw the picture I have attached today and immediately became horrified.  I saw it recently in New York City, it was done to mailboxes along the route of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in New York City; the BEST Irish parade in the United States, although my dear friend Patti from Chicago would vehemently disagree, as would […]


Happy St. Patrick’s Day…..The Top of the Morn’n to You…..YOU Deserve Better.

One of the least addressed of all complications surrounding diabetes is the mental state of the entire family involved.  Whether we admit it or not, diabetes plays havoc on all of our mindset.  It is up to each of us to admit it and deal with it.  But we need to find the time, during […]