
Where has the Spirit of THAT Day gone?

Tomorrow is the 15th anniversary of one of the most tragic days in our history.  I was there.  I was there for 36 straight hours and saw things that were beyond frightening. Many know my story and I’m not going to re-tell it today but I want to share an observation. When people ask me […]


My (Child’s) Diabetes…..Why would it EVER be Your Call???

Want to be involved in a really great debate…..pick a presidential candidate and tell everyone on social media why you are voting for this person…..and let the fun begin. I promise you that no matte how much sense you my be making to yourself, you will be handed an earful from others. Decisions in diabetes……..mmmmmmm…..not too, […]


Do You Have a Child with Diabetes?????……then Shut Up!!!

Ever want to say that?  My guess is, yes.  I know people with diabetes (PWDs) have shared that with me many times as people forge forward in telling them what they ‘need to do’.  An expert who has no reason to be an expert is….well….a turkey-brain; right? Now I know expertise can be somewhat learned. […]


Can One Person Make a Difference???—Here’s One that Does. Be Inspired.

I hear it constantly.  I cannot make a difference.  I do not have the time.  What can one person do?  Now listen closely about what one person can do, if they choose to set their mind to it. My cousin Carol is one of these people who has a heart the size of Texas.  She […]


Hey You……It’s Your Fault.

Anyone seen fault lately?  You know….fault.  We always look for fault.  We always find fault.  Fault.  Pretty nasty rap that fault gets….don’t you think?  How things go wrong and how bad life gets……someone’s fault……not mine….right?  If not mine, someone else’s fault surely. Funny word……fault. In so many areas people are so quick to try to […]


It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year………..School Opens; of Course.

Years ago there was a fabulous television commercial for Staples.  The Christmas song is playing (sing along with me), It’s the most wonnnnn-derrrrr-fullll tome of year…..” and of course the camera pulls back to revel parents gleefully shopping for back to school supplies while showing the kids’ dour faces. Click here for the commercial.  That […]