
WARNING: Video Will Scare the HELL Out of You….and THAT’s GOOD!

I have seen a million videos in my life BUT none like this….if you have a child, watch and more importantly—LEARN!!!!!!   This will change your perspective in anything you have ever taught your child.  I do not know who Joey Salads is but this one video will probably save quite a few lives.  (Click the […]


Clean it Out of the Closet—For Me; Frustration…..You????

This week is Diabetes Blog Week, the brainchild of Karen Graffeo at and is the sixth year it has taken place.  Many writers taking-on the same topic…….but with a different take.  Very cool idea……thanks for the opportunity Karen. Today–Day 3: What is in your diabetic closet that needs to be cleaned out?  This can be […]


DIABETES BLOG WEEK: Keep it to Yourself – Tuesday 5/12

DAY 2 TOPIC: Many of us share lots of aspects of our diabetes lives online for the world to see.  What are some of the aspects of diabetes that you choose to keep private from the internet?  Or from your family and friends?  Why is it important to keep it to yourself?  This is not […]


When it’s Out of Our Control……..

But what about…..? What do you do when…….? If that does not work…….? I have tried everything, anyone know what to do about…….? Problem today…..? As I lectured last weekend, I used a line that I have used before; education is the absolute equalizer in our world of diabetes.  The more one knows, the more […]


Diabetes: I’ll do it My Way….and You Do it Yours, Okay?……Uhmmm, No!

I often find it interesting that there are so many discussions that come down to this point; let’s just disagree on how we each handle the diabetes in our own household. Really?  The reason I state this in this manner is that there is a widening of the gap between what are people’s opinions, and what […]


My Thoughts of a JDRF Type One Nation Summit

Wherever I go, and I am fortunate enough in my profession to go to many places and meet many people, it never ceases to amaze me how those involved with ‘anything’ diabetes have such similar attitudes towards hoping for a cure, and finding just the right ingredients to live this ‘diabetes life’ that much more […]