

FROM THEIR WEBSITE—-CLICK THE LINK TO READ ALL Recently, it has come to our attention that certain lots of FreeStyle® and FreeStyle Lite® Blood Glucose Test Strips produce erroneously low blood glucose results when using FreeStyle® Blood Glucose Meters, FreeStyle Flash® Blood Glucose Meters and the FreeStyle® blood glucose meter built into the OmniPod® system. […]


Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #21 for D-Month: The “FIXER” in Disaster–and How You Can Help Those in the Philippines.

…..and the answer is, who is Ron Raab. Disaster. It slams into countries in the form of natural forces that no one can stop.  devastation is left behind.  And it is during this time that even though the name Ron Raab may not be known; his work surely is. His Insulin for Life is a worldwide effort linking […]


Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #20 for D-Month: 50+ years living with Type 1, He Continues to Teach Others.

  ….and the answer is, who is Joe Solowiejczyk. The fact that Joe has lived as full a life as he has chosen with Type 1 diabetes is, in itself, a worthy accomplishment. But to this day, he continues to teach others and will be the first to tell you that he too, continues to learn each […]


Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #19 for D-Month: When it Comes to Advocacy at Schools, One Mom Stands Alone in Her Efforts…..

…….and the answer is, who is Crystal Jackson. Clearly Crystal is part of a great team effort at the American Diabetes Association’s constant battles to protect the rights of people with diabetes in the work place, at school and in many other arenas.  As a mom to a child with T1, Crystal’s efforts are monumental […]


Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #18 for D-Month: She is One of the Foremost Authorities on Diabetes and Camping ….. and MORE!

….and the answer is who is Shelley Yeager. Shelley is on a mission.  Her mission deals a lot with camps but more than that, Shelley believes that the youth across the globe ‘shoud be put to work’ to better themselves and others who live with diabetes.  She would be correct and she puts those thoughts […]


Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #17 for D-Month: He Thought “Exercise was Not Good Enough As Is”…..And Created Insulindependence

…..and the answer is who is Peter H. Nerothin. As a person with diabetes, Peter did not think that just exercising was good enough, he thought only exercising CORRECTLY was good enough and he set off to change the perception and application of physical exercise in the lives of those with diabetes by creating  He has […]