
Not the Pain, but the Void………Left Behind.

Today, I saw the date in the lower corner of my computer.  August 22, 2017.  I started to reach for the phone because I knew, inherently, that the date was significant. I reacted because I had not yet called my dad to wish him a happy birthday.  “Oh, I gotta call……..” But you see, I […]


What am I Doing Here?……..for Kycie, for Reegan……the Fight Goes On!

This is the question I asked myself as I looked at the many attendees at the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) Annual Meeting who stopped in to the presentation of the incredibly knowledgeable Susan Weiner and myself at our missed diagnosis of T1D.  People believe that speaking in front of a large crowd is […]


Someone Dies……’s None of Our Business……..None. Period.

I find it absolutely astounding that when someone with T1D passes away…..from diabetes or something else, the questions begin about the cause as if someone has the right to know.  Here is the hard truth… don’t.  For whatever reason you think it is okay to soften;  the ask, the question, or the statement…’s not, it’s […]


What Do You Say to a Newly Diagnosed Family?

To this day it still happens.  The phone rings and we’re informed by a friend/neighbor/colleague/friend-of-a-friend that someone new is diagnosed with T1D and can we find the time to speak to them and/or their family? Well the answer is…………………..always. But it’s a fine balance to let them know that they are not about to lay […]


Why Live Life in Fear When You Can Live it to the Fullest

I heard this statement from a person at the Children with Diabetes Friends for Life Conference in Orlando Florida this week. “I refuse to let diabetes dictate what I do”. I like that saying and I like it a lot.  It sort of summed up what thousands of people heard this week at this, the 18th […]


More Than Standing on Two Legs……….These Marvels DO It on Wheels……..Be Inspired.

To do the impossible.  To march into hell for a heavenly cause.  To do what others could only imagine.  To go beyond the limits.  To go beyond type one. Twenty riders leaving New York and riding…….riding…..riding……4296 miles to San Francisco.  Some are fairly new at riding and yet, some, are not new to being adventurous […]