
“Every Time I Hear the Music, I Just Have to Dance.” A Wonderful CWD Lesson for ALL of Us.

A Ceilidh, by definition, is a traditional Gaelic social gathering, which usually involves playing Gaelic folk music and dancing and was started in Ireland and Scotland. It was probably made famous in the movie Titanic when Jack takes Rose to ‘his’ party in the deck below. It was the better party. CWD had their version last […]


Getting a Reminded “Lift” Over 3000 Miles From Home.

  In the UK elevators are called “Lifts”.  This phrase is quite appropriate for all of us at the Children with Diabetes Friends for Life UK conference here in Glasgow Scotland.  The people here are absolutely wonderful and are hungry to hear the latest of what is happening in the diabetes world.  It is always great […]


A Birthday, A Life, A Mission, and a Love

Over 3000 miles from where I sit a young lady will be waking up to go to work.  It’s her birthday today, she is 23.  She will finish work, probably go to one of her classes, come home, spend time with her family, and probably go someplace for dinner with her boyfriend. Oh yes, she […]


Following the Sun…..Will Diabetes be the Same?

It was dark when I left Newark Airport.   I am heading to Scotland.  I am speaking at the Children with DIabetes Friends for Life UK.  Scotland is 5 hours ahead of us.  When I land it will be daylight, I am chasing the sun. When dealing with diabetes, I’m told that Scotland is different from the […]


Tears in Heaven….a Lesson to Learn.

A colleague of mine, well she is as much a friend as a colleague, sent me an incredible video last night.  She had the wonderful opportunity to see Eric Clapton in concert at an 8000 seat arena.  She took a video of a portion of the concert and shared it with me. Truthfully, one would think […]


Diabetes Across the World…..The Same???? I’m about to Find Out!!!!

Soon I will be with many others in another country. Funny thing about diabetes; it doesn’t care what country you live in, or the care available, or present family situations; diabetes just does not care.  It will come at you and will come at you hard; no matter where you call home. I look forward to meeting […]