
A Life Gone……Reminds Me to LIVE!

As many people know, I lost my mom last week.  Thank you to the SO MANY who shared their thoughts and prayers with us, they were all greatly appreciated and felt.  My mom had a great life with her almost 92 years with 6 children, 23 grandchildren, and 19 great grandchildren.  I’m very grateful for […]


What a Super Hero Looks Like

  I LOVE THIS PHOTO.  Some pictures need no captions and if ever there was a photo of a fearless child…….this is it.  Let me introduce you to Helen, a 5 year-old from Texas who loves to dance and was diagnosed just over a year ago.  The photo was taken by Ivy Reyes, a friend […]


Mother’s Day……..Wishing a Good One is Not Enough; Thank you!

I consider myself someone who is, and has been, fairly active in all of my children’s lives; and have certainly been active pertaining to the youngest two and their diabetes.  And in anything that I have done, I have always and in all ways known that it pales greatly to what their mom has done, […]


If One Doesn’t take Bad Advice……Leaves No One to Blame.

Clearly the way I was bought up, is much different from the way we bought up our own children, which I’m sure is even much different from today’s skills needed for parenting.  How much of the way we were bought up plays a role in how we deal with the diabetes in our own house? […]


They have T1D—-They Should NOT be Disciplined on Top……Really?

My child threw a tantrum today.  Threw toys all across the room and when I check the blood sugar it was 120.  My question, what else in diabetes would make my child act this way? Perhaps, nothing. Always ask yourself if the behavior your child displays is indeed ‘the fault’ of a glycemic (high OR […]


Siblings Day…..I Wrongly Associate with More than One T1D Child

It is National Siblings Day.  When I first heard this mentioned many years ago, in the early 2000s, it made me think of my own brothers and sisters.  Counting me, we are six in number with JoAnne as the oldest and myself as the youngest and only 7 1/2 years among us all with no […]