I saw this video. Click the picture; it is pretty amazing and very short. And it made me think of everyone out there who participates in organizing, running, and participating in an event for diabetes causes (I find it apropos that this is done with chocolate). Whether it be for fund-raising or for education or for […]
Tag: diabetes dad
“You cannot go out until you clean up all of these Barbie Dolls!!!” “Must you leave your baseball equipment all over the house?????” “Clean up your room.” Sound familiar? We, as parents, are the ultimate reminders, aren’t we? No matter how hard we try, we still must tell our kids a thousand times to get […]
People. So many people in our lives. So many who have helped along the way. Constantly we read of those who felt all alone and that no one understands what we go through. Constantly we read about those who seem all alone. This makes me sad. I do not think we were ever, really, all alone. […]
I received a very interesting email yesterday and I wanted to share it with you. I was asked; “You write all the time about education being so crucial in the diabetes journey, and crucial to accepting this disease—-what is the best way to educate ourselves?” What an incredible question. I will begin this answer from my […]
What we thought diabetes would be, was not what diabetes became. Five years ago today our second child (our youngest of three) was diagnosed with t1 diabetes. Were we angry? You bet. Are we still angry? You bet. In life, we cannot do anything about what is dealt to us. God? Fate? Chance? Whatever, or whoever, you […]
Did you ever look up to a sports figure? I think the word ‘hero’ is a bit strong for sports personalities; I think hero fits people who are special for many other reasons and they come in all ages and abilities. Sports personalities have God-given talent. I’m not saying they don’t work hard, they do; […]