…….and the answer is, who is Crystal Jackson. Clearly Crystal is part of a great team effort at the American Diabetes Association’s constant battles to protect the rights of people with diabetes in the work place, at school and in many other arenas. As a mom to a child with T1, Crystal’s efforts are monumental […]
Tag: diabetes dad
….and the answer is who is Shelley Yeager. Shelley is on a mission. Her mission deals a lot with camps but more than that, Shelley believes that the youth across the globe ‘shoud be put to work’ to better themselves and others who live with diabetes. She would be correct and she puts those thoughts […]
…..and the answer is who is Peter H. Nerothin. As a person with diabetes, Peter did not think that just exercising was good enough, he thought only exercising CORRECTLY was good enough and he set off to change the perception and application of physical exercise in the lives of those with diabetes by creating Insulindependence.org. He has […]
……And the answer is–Who is James R. Gavin III. Dr. Gavin is more than just an endocrinologist and a specialist in diabetes and metabolism; he is a worldwide advocate on changing the landscape of diabetes and he is going at it full steam. when he speaks it is as almost as if you are at […]
……who is David Panzirer. I have said it before and I’ll say it again; I do not know of any one person who has so changed the diabetes landscape in faster time than David Panzirer. What Banting was to insulin; David is to ‘making a difference’; and I say that without one ounce of exaggeration and why […]
Dear Google and Yahoo, I noticed that you both have no artwork nor animation today on your logos. Considering those who live with diabetes, and their immediate family members, number over 1 billion world wide….perhaps I can help. If you would address my many letters and contacts about World Diabetes Day—I STILL have an idea or […]