
Was Your Child DX via DKA???? Surely Could Use Your Help…..Need this Post Shared, Please.

THIS NOTE ADDED ON 8/2/15:  I HAVE ENOUGH FOR NOW…..DO NOT NEED ANYMORE PICTURES/STORIES AT THIS TIME.  As many of you know, about 18 months ago I began the Child’s Cry for Change campaign which tackled the missed diagnosis of T1 diabetes head-on.  Shortly there after, Kim May (a mom from Texas) and I started […]


Walking Thin Ice Here…….Are Dads/Spouses Doing More In Day-to-day Management??????

Now I know I’m absolutely skating on thin ice here at the deepest part of the pond, but I found myself asking a question based on recent observations.  It seems that with the recent and ever-growing use of technologies to manage day-to-day diabetes; dads/spouses seem to be playing more of an active role than before…..has anyone […]


A Mom Needs Our Help!!!!!!

I have always stated that the number one service I could ever provide to this community is connection… is such a day. A mom has a child with diabetes.  Recently epilepsy has been diagnosed as well.  As you could imagine there is much to know on mixing various meds; plus the fear of the unknown; […]


I’m Sorry……….I just had NOTHING Else Inside Me Today.

I have to tell you all; as those who share this journey with me.  I just could not write anything else today.  These three little faces have kept me up all night.  I understand how ALL OF THIS works.  I have been at this a long, long time with two kids living with diabetes.  But […]


Little Kycie Changed the World. Period.

As most of you know by now, Little Kycie has lost her battle.  In a statement released by her family: Her mission on this earth was complete.  We have found inspiration and strength from her courage.  We are thankful for the last 5 months that she was able to be home with her family and […]


Four-Wheel Drive will Do Little on Ice—Like Diabetes Technology—It’s How You Drive!!!!

I have often seen four-wheel drive vehicles in accidents during times of cold weather and ice in the New York area where I live.  The reason is simple.  In sand and snow a four-wheel drive vehicle is ions ahead of the crowd but when it comes to ice, it will matter little when you start […]