
Why……W-H-Y Would Your Wake Up at 4 a.m. to Check a Blood Sugar????

Why would anyone have to wake up in the middle of the night to test their child’s blood sugar?  Did you ever hear the question; why do people rob banks?   The answer is simple; because that is where the money is.  The answer of whether someone wakes up to check their child’s blood sugar has […]


I am So Tired of Seeing Those Photos…..

….and it’s ‘a tired’ I will gladly go without sleep any day of the week.  What a joy—an absolute joy seeing all of those incredible kids graduating from ………well everywhere….and attending proms…..well everywhere as well. This time of year is just so incredibly positive.  The newness ahead; the rites of passage, I find them all […]


And In a Second……They Were Gone!!!

There are many things that happen to us along life’s journey.  I decided a long time ago that it’s not necessarily a matter of good and/or bad…….it’s a matter of what I learn.  One of the most valuable lessons I learned in life……was the value of a human life.  The value of a friend.   The value […]


Bobby Sox to Stockings……..Awwwwwww to Awe!

There was a song made famous…….a long time ago….called Bobby Sox to Stockings. It was sung by a few people and you can go to YouTube and listen to it if you like.  The story of the song is about when a little girl grows into a woman.  It was a smash hit and I always liked the song. […]


WARNING: Video Will Scare the HELL Out of You….and THAT’s GOOD!

I have seen a million videos in my life BUT none like this….if you have a child, watch and more importantly—LEARN!!!!!!   This will change your perspective in anything you have ever taught your child.  I do not know who Joey Salads is but this one video will probably save quite a few lives.  (Click the […]


Clean it Out of the Closet—For Me; Frustration…..You????

This week is Diabetes Blog Week, the brainchild of Karen Graffeo at and is the sixth year it has taken place.  Many writers taking-on the same topic…….but with a different take.  Very cool idea……thanks for the opportunity Karen. Today–Day 3: What is in your diabetic closet that needs to be cleaned out?  This can be […]