I’m not saying that there were not times that we went through the night, I am not saying that we had our share of long nights, what I am saying, or asking actually, why are you not finding some nights to sleep? As a reminder, my daughter was two when she was diagnosed in […]
Tag: diabetes disability
Congratulations, milestone reached. I always love this time of year as people post all of the great accomplishments that their child achieved. Graduating High School, Graduating College, and whatever they call, these days, cap and gowns for kindergarten and/or middle school. Step up–graduation?…..whatever…..your child is moving on in life. Wonderful news. Silently, I have always […]
Mom. Is there really a more soothing one-syllable word in our language? Not really sure what the ‘role’ of a mom is, by design, anyway. Who could ever write ‘the manual’ describing what a mom should be, or what is required? And yet, so many are so good at it. I’ve known many ‘moms’ in my […]
Diabetes Community. This all-encompassing phrase seems to be under siege of late. Seems there is a movement that it is more important to be right, be the first, than it is to be a community in some people’s minds. Let’s be clear. As I have stated in writings, in lectures, and in interviews; no one […]
So every year about this time, my heart goes deeply back to my roots of the NY Theatre scene. For it was the NY Theatre scene that, in essence, readied me for a career I am now in, fund-raising. True, I wear a few hats, but at the end of the day fund-raising for the […]
Soooooooooo I listened to the The Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee recording of the meeting held today, Wednesday, April 10, at 10:30 am on The Hill. The hearing was entitled, “Priced Out of a Lifesaving Drug: Getting Answers on the Rising Cost of Insulin.” Once again, you can click the link to see the hearings yourself […]