I had this thought. Now I know that surprises many of you but it was an interesting thought and I wanted to share it; and ask your thoughts as well. I kept thinking about November. Diabetes Awareness month. There was a ton of things done across the diabetes landscape. Good things. Important things. But very many […]
Tag: diabetes disability
It was fun to receive emails from people asking me what I thought about Peter Pan Live. I’m flattered and to-be-clear I am no expert, or certainly no more an expert than everyone else who saw it. When I sit down to watch a live show bought to me in another form like film or […]
When your child was diagnosed with diabetes, you figured out what was wrong and you knew you could move forward on your own with the help of friends. After you realized that it was T1 diabetes, you went online and spoke to people and figured out what to do. You knew you should probably take […]
Are YOU a ‘Helicopter Parent’???
Are you a “helicopter parent”? That is a parent that ‘hovers’ over their child at all times. I just heard this description recently and I ask it of you today. The term “helicopter parents” is an expression for parents that has been widely used in the media. It seems it first appeared as early as 1969 […]
Parents: Learn the Word YES!
There are many of us who live by a phrase, or a philosophy, that we have used for some time. It’s from those of us who have been around the block a few times dealing with diabetes. A mom wrote that she wanted her child to do something but she was afraid because they now had diabetes. […]
SANTA CLAUS CAN PEN A PERSONAL NOTE TO YOUR CHILD THIS CHRISTMAS Jolly holiday 4th Annual fundraiser benefits Diabetes Research Institute Foundation NOTE: Your child does not have to have diabetes to receive a letter from Santa Yes, Virginia (and Emma, and Maria, and Max, and Willie…), there is a Santa Claus. To prove it, Ol’ […]