
NEED YOUR HELP TODAY………Summer Camps???…..Help Others…..What Do You Know?

Okay, I need your help.  Because I do not know from personal experience; I seek your input today.  It is May 2nd and families are getting ready to send their child(ren) to camp.  Our kids did not attend summer camp, or by time Kaitlyn did–she did as a counselor–but it surely is a topic THAT […]


We Will All Need Help at Some Time…..A Story that Will Warm Your Heart.

It will happen.  No matter how good we think we are, no matter how hard we work at it, there will come a time that you will need help along the way.  Bet on it.  If not yet, it will happen.  Because everything we deal with is life, and life is every thing we deal […]


Calls We Make on the Phone, about Someone Special.

The phone. You know, the call. You know, the amount of times that you pick it up and it feels like a million pounds.  The weight of calling a loved one to deliver the bad news   You remember it; “Mom, Dad, we are at the hospital, she has type one diabetes.”  Or the call with even […]


What is your FAVORITE Diabetes Word or Phrase?

What is your favorite diabetes phrase or word?  You know the one you saw and made you say, now that says it all.  One of my favorites…….and it may be taken as a tad crude by some, I guess and I apologize in advance, but I just love the word “diabadass”. It is an edgy […]


“Mommy, Why Am I Different?”……..THE Question We Get Asked.

We have all heard THAT phrase at one time or another.  “Why can’t I be like other kids?”  It goes through us like a sword, doesn’t it?  Sometimes it is followed by tears, sometimes a hug, we stay strong. We die a little on the inside also, don’t we? We have addressed this issue two […]


Everyone is “Doing the Mr. Awesome” in Honor of an Incredible Child………You Can Too.

Unless you have been somewhere else for the last few days, and NOT online, you have been missing one of the truest forms of viral online frenzies, ever.  It’s awesome. Or to be more correct; Mr. Awesome. Mr. Awesome is an online campaign in honor of North Miami’s Calder Sloan, a 7-year-old human-dynamo who lost […]