
On This World Diabetes Day……I Think……of You!

When Lou Gehrig retired from baseball he said, in his farewell speech, that he was probably one of the luckiest men on earth…..I know the feeling.  Not because of diabetes, I wish that was not in the factoring at all but in a way it is.  What is in the factoring……is YOU. If I attempted […]


NEWSBREAK: The Story of (Kisses for) Kycie; from her Mom and Dad

Elizabeth Stein was diagnosed with T1D at age 10.  Elizabeth did not like to dance, Elizabeth LOVED to dance.  In 2000, as a neighborhood fundraiser in her Orlando community, she created Dancing for Diabetes.  Diabetes would stop her…..from nothing. Elizabeth holds her event every November, this year’s being number 16, to better the awareness of diabetes.  I will […]


ATTENTION OMNIPOD USERS—Something Easy, Again, for this Month

This post was removed by the author—-it was up for the time allotted. Have a GREAT DAY. Thank you. I am a DiabetesDad. Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.


Something YOU CAN DO that’s REAL EASY for Diabetes Awareness Month

Very simple.  It has been all over social media that people are dying from the missed diagnosis of diabetes, and specifically type 1 diabetes.  We are entering flu season. November is DIABETES AWARENESS month……help educate the public. Here is a PSA to warn those, especially those who do not know anything about diabetes.   Copy […]


This Month IS NOT for the Diabetes Community….it’s for Those Who Know Nothing!!!!

Well, it’s here.  It’s November 1st.  It’s the beginning of Diabetes Awareness Month. My article today is going to be very short.  This month is not for you or for me.  We ARE AWARE ALREADY of diabetes.  I do not choose this month to celebrate that my kids CHOOSE to live a great life with […]


NEWSBREAK: T1D Hero to Make History This Weekend in Talledega

It’s not only his unquenchable thirst to succeed;  it’s not only his drive to win; it’s not even his incredible relationship with the folks at Lilly Diabetes that keeps so many pulling for him—-it’s the way; at every turn (pun intended) Ryan Reed grabs the spotlight by the ears and points it at himself for, […]