
“HEEEYYYYYY It’s Your Call Moms and Dads, I Follow Your Lead!!!!!”

“IT’S YOUR CALL!!!!!” I read two things recently that really caught my eye.  One was from a mom who has a 5-year-old and she was looking into what was needed as he learned to wrestle.  Where would the pump go? Would he wear it?  What were the limitations?  She was determined to make sure that if he […]


Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #30 for D-Month: This Group is the Reason D-Month was Created!!!

….and the answer is, people with diabetes. I hope you have enjoyed this month-long highlighting of just a handful of people active in the diabetes community.  There are certainly many more and my goal was just to span the field and show you just a few who are at this diabetes battle to benefit all of […]


Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #29 for D-Month: Without them, We Would have No Idea what Would Work to Help Those with Diabetes.

….and the answer is, anyone who has ever enrolled in a diabetes research project. Years ago, I was talking to a friend, his name is Kenny Bernstein.  He had an islet cell transplant.  For a good amount of time, he did not need to take insulin, he did not need to check his blood sugars, […]


How Would you like Santa to Send a Letter to your Child, Grandchild, or Relative???–a Real Holiday Treat Fundraising Event.

So many kids are writing letters to Santa…….welllllllllll….what if Santa wrote them back?  That’s right, Santa will write a letter to your child on beautiful Christmas letterhead that will be very personal. Perhaps mentioning their teacher by name, or your pet by name, letting children know how proud Santa is in the way they are taking care of their […]


Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #28 for D-Month: MY PERSONAL Favorite on this, Thanksgiving Day, for My D-Kids and Those Like Them.

….and the answer is, who is Camillo Ricordi. There is no argument that there is much great research happening in the world today and surely, all of us parents, are unified in the single thought that we want the cure; yesterday.  Dr. Ricordi made the decision years ago that it was not important that HE […]


Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #26 for D-Month: A Powerhouse Connects Her ‘Diabetes Sisters’!!!

……and the answer is, who is Brandy Barnes. Brandy is the founder and CEO of Diabetes Sisters which was founded in 2008.  Diagnosed with diabetes in the early 1990s, Brandy knows and remembered the many obstacles she lived with during her battles with diabetes.  With little information geared specifically toward women and diabetes (all types) and […]