
My Reaction to Miss Manners and her Son’s Explanation…….I have a WHOLE DIFFERENT Perspective on this Now!!!!!!!

There is an explanation from an interview with Miss Manners and her son now on Diabetes Mine.  You can click the picture to read the interview as it was reported.  You can choose to do that and come back, or you can read it after this article; I am going to take an entirely different […]


Our Children Have No Clue……..And as Parents, Achieving that Was/Is Our Measure of Success!

Do they know, and when they became older, did/do they realize; …..when we ran out on the soccer field it was because we knew they were low, not to embarrass them? …..that we were a fashion plate at one time and could carry small clutch pocketbooks with the best of them, but we needed the bigger […]


“Why Did YOU NOT Follow Instructions?!?!?” Sound Familiar?

From the onset, I want to let you know that I do not have any incredible answers for what I am about to write; but I am ‘putting it out there’ so others may comment on how they have handled this situation which I am hearing more and more. Parents of the parents.  This includes […]


The Olympic Flame is Out…….Random Thoughts of Diabetes During the Olympics…..Am I Alone in This?

Do you find yourself looking at things differently than so many others.  Do you somehow take diabetes and place it in a realm that it might not so necessarily be reflected? Now that the Olympics have ended, here are some things that I thought to myself as I watched.  Now they may not make sense as […]



From Abbott Diabetes Care: …….FreeStyle® Blood Glucose Test Strips may produce erroneously low blood glucose results when using the FreeStyle® blood glucose meter built into the OmniPod® Insulin Management System. Erroneously low blood glucose results that are not recognized may pose significant risks to your health. Click this link to learn what you need to […]


Miss Manners Pisses off Diabetes Dad…….and I Respond!

I was sent an email where I read a question to the columnist ‘Miss Manners’.  I read this in the San Jose Mercury News but she is syndicated throughout the U.S..  A man traveled a lot and wanted to know the ‘proper etiquette’ where he should check his blood sugar.  Miss Manners (One Judith Martin) answered […]