
Ever Noticed: Those Bruised the Most; Inspire the Most?

So many times I have heard and stated how incredible our kids with diabetes are in dealing with life, as well as deal with managing their diabetes.  Today I want to recognize another group of people who, deal with diabetes; and all that life throws as well. That’s you. One of the greatest aspects of what […]


“YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!!!”………….really?

There was an engaged discussion recently when I read something that someone wrote and I thought; “well that just does not seem correct?”  My first thought was to engage the discussion but I knew we would be off to the races on a discussion who was right and who was wrong. That discussion would have been nothing but […]


“My Child was Diagnosed Over a Year Ago……I Still Cry….Is that Okay”?

I saw this question recently and I thought enough of it that I wanted to share with you all and ask your input as well.  The short answer is that no it is not okay…….it is downright expected. This diabetes world has my full attention.  I have shared a million times that our kids do […]


Are Those with Diabetes………Healthy?????? The Two-Edged Sword!

This ‘diabetes’ can be so complicated.  The two-edged-sword is a slippery slope indeed. The World Health Organization defines ‘Health’ as the following: Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. So to have a disease, according to this definition, would mean that those […]


A Reminder for School, Now that Summer is Coming……Share with Others.

School’s out, well almost. With the start of June upon us, the excitement of school ending is also here.  Kids will be home for the summer ……..and the fun begins. I have a suggestion for today; do not wait until the final day to inform the school nurse that you will be in to collect […]


Where is a %$@#+*&% Meter, THAT WORKS, in this House.

So how any meters do you have.  The other day, I wanted to check my blood sugar (SIDENOTE: I was fine).  So I knew this would be no problem because we have meters, right?  I mean LOTS OF meters all over the house. Ten? Twelve?  Probably more.   You have them all over, right? I could […]