
This is About Dying in the Middle of the Night….LETS TALK: We Need to Help Each Other.

  This is a discussion, a tough discussion, but hiding from it WILL NOT MAKE IT go away. When I read a comment like; “….my child was diagnosed a year ago and I set my alarm to wake up 3-5 times to check, just to be sure……”; I am compelled to say something.  And there […]


Taking Off……She is on Her Way

On her way.  In a little while Kaitlyn boards a plane bound for the Children With Diabetes (CWD) Conference in Canada.  It’s snowing, and that is cause for a little anxiety.  It’s on a plane, and that always has its parent-self-inflicted anxiety level (funny thing is that when I fly, I have little).  She will be […]


Miss America????…..We Already Have Ours Thank You.

Did you see the Miss America Pageant on Saturday night?  I’m not afraid to admit it, I did.   Not merely for the talent (which was fun), not for the gowns (really… could they not look gorgeous in gowns), not for their answers which the judges threw at them (I have to admit, the questions this year were […]


When Does the Pain Stop?

The sun is shining today…….and you are here, and that is a very good thing. Aside from the silliness of the world ending I have come to realize a little more thoughtfully that more and more life can be so very cruel.  Very.  We surely have learned that in the last two weeks haven’t we? Earlier […]