
There REALLY IS NOTHING good about diabetes………but……….

I honestly do not remember me ever saying ‘why us’ when Kaitlyn was diagnosed.  In fact I am sure that we did not say it when Rob was diagnosed either.  It’s how you look at things, isn’t it? “Life” comes at us all the time.  It has a zillion-and-one things that are really cool that come […]


Tired of the Undiagnosed T1 Entering DKA…….Roll Up Your Sleeves……Some Suggestions.

There certainly has been much activity surrounding DKA Awareness of late and that is a very good thing; the reason will always sting, but good that change could be coming.  If we are to make a dent in this awareness, work; a lot of work, needs to get done.  I have had conversations all weekend […]


Was Your Child DX via DKA???? Surely Could Use Your Help…..Need this Post Shared, Please.

THIS NOTE ADDED ON 8/2/15:  I HAVE ENOUGH FOR NOW…..DO NOT NEED ANYMORE PICTURES/STORIES AT THIS TIME.  As many of you know, about 18 months ago I began the Child’s Cry for Change campaign which tackled the missed diagnosis of T1 diabetes head-on.  Shortly there after, Kim May (a mom from Texas) and I started […]


Walking Thin Ice Here…….Are Dads/Spouses Doing More In Day-to-day Management??????

Now I know I’m absolutely skating on thin ice here at the deepest part of the pond, but I found myself asking a question based on recent observations.  It seems that with the recent and ever-growing use of technologies to manage day-to-day diabetes; dads/spouses seem to be playing more of an active role than before…..has anyone […]


A Mom Needs Our Help!!!!!!

I have always stated that the number one service I could ever provide to this community is connection… is such a day. A mom has a child with diabetes.  Recently epilepsy has been diagnosed as well.  As you could imagine there is much to know on mixing various meds; plus the fear of the unknown; […]


I’m Sorry……….I just had NOTHING Else Inside Me Today.

I have to tell you all; as those who share this journey with me.  I just could not write anything else today.  These three little faces have kept me up all night.  I understand how ALL OF THIS works.  I have been at this a long, long time with two kids living with diabetes.  But […]