
When a Pro Ball Player Walked Off the Mound and Into the Hearts of Kids with T1D.

I just love….LOVE; when someone in professional sports, who has achieved playing at the highest level and does it with type 1 diabetes (T1D), takes the time to encourage kids to do the same.  It is one of the favorite things about being in this diabetes world.  I try to arrange it any chance I can.  Our […]


Good Friend To Diabetes Community Still Needs Our Prayers

Toronto Blue Jays pitcher, J.A. (pronounced ‘Jay’) Happ is still recovering from a nasty blow to the head off a line-drive at the Tampa Bay Rays baseball game last night. J.A. pitches for the Toronto Blue Jays and took his winnings, in 2009, from his Players Choice National League Outstanding Rookie from the Major League Baseball Players Association and donated […]