
Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #29 for D-Month: Without them, We Would have No Idea what Would Work to Help Those with Diabetes.

….and the answer is, anyone who has ever enrolled in a diabetes research project. Years ago, I was talking to a friend, his name is Kenny Bernstein.  He had an islet cell transplant.  For a good amount of time, he did not need to take insulin, he did not need to check his blood sugars, […]


How Smart are You???????

This weekend had me at the Children with Diabetes’ Focus on Technology in Crystal City Virginia or right next to Washington D.C.   In as much as i so enjoy speaking to these great people. I’m also always there to learn as well.  You can never have too much knowledge when it comes to diabetes, and I have […]


T.G.I.F. (Thanking Great Individuals Forever)

His efforts are tireless and his reputation well-known not only to his worldwide colleagues but many PWDs and to parents who wait for a cure.  He works in the lab, lectures worldwide and yet, still finds the time to speak to those with a full heart investment interest in finding a cure for diabetes.  Here he […]


Passionate People, We.

  5:30 am: I am on a shuttle on the way to Newark Airport.  Other businesspeople are on the shuttle bus as well; six of them together, me by myself.  They talked little of what their job was but I gathered they were regional managers of some sort of retail store.  I could tell you […]