
Twenty Years Later…….It Is Still Sooooooo Unfair……Don’t You Agree??????

A new bicycle.  A new doll.  A new school.  A new car.  Something new.  How much we all like when we receive something we want.  Gift wrapped perhaps.  A UPS delivery perhaps. We received something new this week.  Something ordered.  Something to look forward to…….right?  Kaitlyn’s new Dexcom arrived.  Make no mistake about it; it is a […]


Others Do Not Go Through What We Do…..FEEL FREE to pass this on.

I saw a post on-line today that I thought I would address.   A mom wrote that she attended a Thanksgiving Day event at school and as much as the event was a lovely event she could not help but feel a bit sad as the others in the room certainly did not have a care in […]