
NEWS BREAK: Over 1000 College Bound Kids with Diabetes Wanted One of These?

breaking_news1Mary Podjasek, President of the Diabetes Scholars Foundation informs me that over 1000 college scholarship applications were received  from kids living with type 1 diabetes.

Think about that……..over 1000 applicants.

Imagine all of them in one graduating class; out to change the world.  If you apply for a scholarship, you are not awarded based only on having type 1 diabetes; you are judged on an entire scale of requirements.  What a shame they all cannot be given something.  This year $204,000 was given in 49 scholarships.  JUST INCREDIBLE.

The competition is fierce.   Mary wrote me, “You can’t imagine what they are doing in spite of diabetes.”   What an inspiration.

In 2012 these kids chose Duke, Cornell,Rice, Brown, Boston college and so many more majoring in Pre-med, Theatre, Dance, Chemistry, Heath Sciences, Political Science and so many more—-These are our kids; IMAGINE!!!!

What a road ahead to decide which kids should be awarded a monetary scholarship to pursue their dreams.  I’m informed that the process involves many education professionals as well as lay people to further pay tribute to this organization as it undertakes keeping it ‘pure-in-intent’ throughout the process.

So those kids who are awarded, are surely worthy.

So congratulations to this years applicants and to those who will be awarded but most of all; to the Diabetes Scholars Organization’s President and Volunteer Board of directors and the many volunteers for helping kids with type 1 diabetes to realize their dreams………despite diabetes (and if you like education and have a buck or two lying around—click here and go to their webpage and donate—-you’ll feel good about it).

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.


2 replies on “NEWS BREAK: Over 1000 College Bound Kids with Diabetes Wanted One of These?”

So proud of my 12 year old. Despite missing several days of school, battling pre-puberty crazy highs & lows Jan-April where he could hardly concentrate, he managed to get into honors algebra for 7th grade next school year. These kids do have obstacles and I love when they can soar despite them :). These Scholarships are awesome!!!

Mine was one of the 1,000 hoping to receive a call by June 1st but didn’t. Diabetes matured him almost overnight at age 12. He is now an AMAZING 18 year old…much in part to the hard lessons learned from this life-changing diagnosis. Nothing’s gonna stop this kid!! God bless all 1,000 scholarship applicants and the parents who love and support them!

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